This is the most relevant industry conference I attend each year and the networking is invaluable.
Ginnie Hazlett
Customer Advocacy Manager - OpenDNS at Cisco
Getting Actionable Answers At the Summit
We had a problem leveraging some of our biggest customers, who were fine with taking reference calls, but reluctant to go “on record” with their success, since they were in the security field. At a presentation by Citrix at one Summit, we got our answer: one-to-many reference calls. Citrix had been doing this for some time, and we came away with more than enough information to develop such a program at Cisco Open DNS. Our previously reluctant advocates were fine with taking such calls.
We’re now working on developing better data to demonstrate impact of such reference initiatives on pipeline and sales, and we’re planning to launch an important campaign that challenges one of your toughest competitors. These are getting us more support from sales leadership.
Getting Actionable Answers At the Summit
We had a problem leveraging some of our biggest customers, who were fine with taking reference calls, but reluctant to go “on record” with their success, since they were in the security field. At a presentation by Citrix at one Summit, we got our answer: one-to-many reference calls. Citrix had been doing this for some time, and we came away with more than enough information to develop such a program at Cisco Open DNS. Our previously reluctant advocates were fine with taking such calls.
We’re now working on developing better data to demonstrate impact of such reference initiatives on pipeline and sales, and we’re planning to launch an important campaign that challenges one of your toughest competitors. These are getting us more support from sales leadership.